Sonntag, 6. September 2009

Healthy version of Ramen?

Yesterday, I went out with my friends to a bar/nightclub. Now, lots of you will probably know that before you dive into a night of sin and debauchery, it is essential that you eat something with substance before hand. Nothing is worse than drinking on an empty stomach...I have many stories to tell about that, but thats for another time. Before you open up a "Cup of Noodles" or some other type of crazy ramen, think about maybe varying it a bit and making it slightly more healthy. The Ramen noodles are usually deep fried and then dried which lets them stay crisp in the package. But gives you about 30000 calories and tons of fat. If you are trying to watch what you eat, think about this little gem for a change.


For about 2-3 servings:

1-1 1/2 cups of water
3-4 tablespoons of miso paste (You can get this at any Asian specialty shop or in stores like Whole Foods)
2 scallions
2 tablespoons of dried algae...the little flakes (it looks like a little but they expand a lot. You can get this at the Asian store as well)
1 pkg of Soba noddles (preferably Buckwheat...with one package I mean one bunch of noodles. They usually come with a piece of paper wrapped around each bunch.)
1 Egg.

On high heat bring the water to a boil. While the water is heating up, cut the scallions into little slices. Once the water is boiling, add the miso paste, scallions and algae to the water. stir around with a spoon to dissolve the miso. Bring the whole thing back to a boil. Add the Soba noodles. They should be fully cooked after about 3 - 4 minutes. Finally add the egg and stir around so that the egg cooks and becomes all flaky in the soup.


P.S. This is also fantastic hangover food!

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