Donnerstag, 10. September 2009

For the Love of the British...or is it Swiss? Porridge or Bircher Müsli

It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Personally I have never been a huge fan of your typical cereal, toast and Orange Juice fan fair. Recently however I discovered something delicious, that even warmed my stone cold breakfast hating heart. Bircher Müsli. Or cold Porridge. It's basically oats, dried fruit, apple and milk. Once they are all combined, it makes this delectable mushy glob that is breathtaking.

For one portion you will need:
1/4 cup cracked oats.
1/2 of an Apple. (I like to use brayburn, but any type of apple will do)
2 tblsp craisins (Dried Cranberries)
1 tsp Line seeds. (It's good for your digestions)
Cinnamon for taste
A pinch of sugar...if you want it sweet.

Put the oats, Craisins, Lint Seed, Sugar and Cinnamon into a bowl. With a cheese grater, grate the apple (I suppose you could use some apple sauce, but where's the fun in that?). Add to the oats. Pour Milk over it, so that its not soaking wet but just mushy and dense.
Stir and eat.

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