Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2013

Peach Pie

Now, I mentioned before that I am not a good baker. It really is not my forte, however I am a huge fan of pies. Any type of pies really but this pie is my favourite. Granted I did make this in the summer when peaches were in season but considering the lousy weather in Berlin, I decided to bring some summer into my dreary evening.

Here is what you will need:

1 Pkg fresh pie crust. You can get great "ready to roll" crust in the supermarket. I do not bother making the crust myself. As said before...flour and I are not good friends.

6-8 Ripe peaches
8-10 Tbsp brown suger
flour for dusting

What to do:
Put the Pie crust into the fridge. The cooler the crust is, the easier it is to roll out and handle. Meanwhile bring a pot of water to boil and dip the peaches in it for no more than 10 seconds. Take them out and peel the peaches. Careful! This is going to be a mess! When the peaches are peeled, cut them into slices and place them into a bowl. Sprinkle the sugar and flour over them so that they are nicely coated.

Take the crust and roll it out on a floured surface. Throw it into a pie dish and if you want to be really nifty you can make a lattice top with the leftovers. Pour the peach slices into the piecrust and bake at about 180 Degrees Celsius for about 30-40 minutes.

Serve with whipped cream or  vanilla ice cream.

1 Kommentar:

  1. mmm it seems delicious!
    Follow me on
    xoxo Marika
